2nd Speech Rough Draft
Genre: Job interview (you are interviewing students who are applying to work for EOPS)
- Introduction
Describe the setting (office, outside table,
eliminate distractions, who will be there, etc...)
Look for certain body language (strong
handshake, eye contact, were they on their phone while they were waiting or did
they engage in conversation with the receptionist/ another worker)
How is the candidate dressed? (Professionally, casual, well presented) How
does this reflect on the candidate?
- Engage in the interview
Transition: Let me begin by
introducing myself…
First introduce yourself and explain what you do. Describe the position the
person is applying for
- Ask the right questions
Transition: I would like to now
ask you a couple of question..
Begin with asking them to tell you a little bit
about themselves (does the candidate discuss school, family, or work)
After, ask candidate what they would do in a
certain scenario (i.e. if a student comes up to you wanting help with financial
aid where would you refer them to?)
Ask them to preform a task on pipeline to test
their skills with pipeline
Strongest/Weakest Skill (what they respond will
be important. Did the candidate explain how they are trying to improve their
weakest skill? Does the candidate’s strong
skill apply to the job?)
Ask the candidate if they have any previous
experience that relates to the job? (Take this time to glance over the resume.
Is this candidate apart of our program, did they complete a summer bridge
program, are they apart of our club or any other club on campus).
Ask the candidate why they want to work for EOPS
- Closing
Transition: We are now concluding
our interview …
Ask them if they have any questions at the end
Shake hands
Escort them to the door
Tell them you will follow up with them. Give
them a time frame (within two weeks or something)
Review resume in more depth
Contact references if necessary
Follow up with candidate within the time frame