Introduce myself and give an over-view of what I
will be talking about much like Nick’s presentation
Be more specific. Give more concrete details
about the specific subject I am presenting. For my speech I should have included
specific examples on the types of questions the interviewer would ask for
someone applying to this position
Give more background knowledge on the topic.
Emphasize the difference between this job interview and others.
Review key points at the end of the presentation.
Recapping the main points would help the audience grasp the conventions and
moves better.
Add more animation/pictures to my prezi to keep
the audience engaged. My prezi did not have any pictures and the only animation
was the video. This was due to lack of time. Next time I will give myself more
time to really learn all the different features of prezi to maximize my
Pausing when needed instead of using filler
Smiling more. I need to be more energetic
throughout my presentation.
Use better transitions between ideas or doing a
better job at connecting ideas.
Be more creative
Be more relaxed. Although I had practiced and
memorized my presentation I was very tense and it came across in my voice.
Reading off the screen. Although I was glancing
over to see the bullet points I had provided for myself it looked as if I
didn’t know what I was going to talk about next.
Tugging on clothes. It is distracting to the
audience. I tend to do this without thinking because I get nervous.
Using filler words such as “uhmm”
Moving around. In the beginning of my
presentation I was really nervous and started pacing back and forth.
Using hand gestures to emphasize certain points.
I used hand gestures all throughout my speech.
Using vocalics. Raising and lowering my voice to
emphasize key points
Rate of voice. I spoke clearly and loud enough
so that the whole class was able to hear even the people in the back.
Making eye-contact with the audience
Using positive body language. Although I was
moving around too much in the beginning, the rest of the presentation I was
standing straight and using my hands to point to the screen.
Giving examples that are relatable or explain
how they personally relate to me. My presentation was based on an actual
interview I went through.
Practicing my speech/ getting comfortable speaking.
The more I practice the more comfortable I feel. This presentation was a lot
better then the first one due to practice.
Using videos that clearly highlight what I am
discussing. The video I used gave examples of the conventions being broken and
it stated why they were being broken.
Staying within the time frame. I had practiced
and timed myself before presenting to the class so I knew where I should be in
the presentation once I hit the 3:30 mark. I did a total of 5:10 in this presentation,
which is within the time frame.
Classmates Moves
I really enjoyed Daisy’s speech about college
tour guides. She was very vivid in her presentation and used body language and
hand gestures to emphasize her points and illustrate what a tour guide actually
does by walking backwards. She had a lot of energy throughout her presentation,
which was really infectious. She raised and lowered her voice to keep the
audience engaged. Her presentation was very interactive and it definitely kept
me entertained.
Nick’s speech was very well put together. I
appreciate the fact that he gave a brief overview of what he was going to
discuss before he started the actual presentation. The overview of the main
points at the end of the presentation helped refresh the audience. By reviewing the points it helps emphasize
the key components of his speech. Nick also prepared the audience on the clip
he was showing. He set up the rhetorical situation/example very well and informed
the audience of the actual story. When he showed the clip he pointed out the
main moves/conventions. If he would of shown the clip without explaining it
beforehand I would have been completely lost but by getting the audience caught
up with the story we were all able to understand the clip.
The police interrogation speech speaker kept the
audience hooked by using props (slamming the folder on the desk). The audience
didn’t expect it and it woke everyone up