Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Elevator speech

Elevator Pitch

I’m stuck in an elevator with Candace Winkler (President of the SB Scholarship foundation) at the scholarship foundation while I am turning in my application.

Hello Ms. Winkler my name is Linda Arellano; I am a student at SBCC and a scholarship recipient of this foundation. I would like to take this moment to thank you for the opportunity to receive a scholarship for two consecutive years. The scholarship has helped me with tuition and purchase school supplies such as textbooks. I am aware that the scholarship is only available for four years, however I would like to suggest the possibility of extending the scholarship for more years. It would be truly appreciated among students if we were able to apply for the scholarship throughout our academic journey. I believe this scholarship contributed to my academic success by allowing me to purchase the necessary resources. I would love to give you my contact info if you need any more information regarding how the scholarship directly affects student success and why it would be beneficial to the students to extend the scholarship.

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