Monday, April 18, 2016

speech 4 outline

Group Presentation Outline

Group members: Ling, Nick, Chris, Linda

Product name: Trax- a children shoe line that has a built in tracking device that is accessible through a mobile application.

Rhetorical situation: We are a shoe company pitching to Deckers in Goleta.

Ling- acting as the CEO co-founder of the company. She created this product from a personal experience. Will go over counter-argument

Linda-will go over statistics on missing children

Nick- will go over competition

Chris-Go over success rate

Slide Outline:
Commercial:  Ling will appear in a short commercial displaying a mother loosing her child

Introduction: All the group members will introduce themselves

Going over stats: I will be going over the stats on missing children

Solution: Why we came up with the product/ benefits

Competitors’: other ways of tracking children (video surveillance, credit card, phones)

Success rate: Battery life, how many families have benefited from our product

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