Monday, May 2, 2016

Start.Stop.Continue speech #4

Group Members: Nick, Chris, Ling
Product name: Trax (shoe company that tracks kids)

Classmates Moves:
1.AI: I really enjoyed this presentation! I thought it was very clever to begin the presentation how the actual Sharktank show starts. This made it very entertaining. The video was probably the best part of the presentation because it incorporated everyone in the group and really showed the amount of effort put into this presentation. It grabbed the audiences attention due to it being funny and the visual effects kept me entertained. This presentation was a great performance, I liked the way they kept it real by sharing their thoughts out-loud to keep the audience involved in what was going on. I would definitely try to be more entertaining when I have to do another speech. This was a great skit and reminds me that sometimes you just have to put on a show.

2. The Dump: This presentation was very well put together, everything from the storyline to the powerpoint. The actual blueprint of the dump was a great way to tie in the theme of their presentation. Everyone had a good amount of talking time and that made their presentation even more interesting. Their rotating character was definitely the highlight of this presentation, it really showed that this group had thought about all the possible counter arguments and provided a solution to each one. This group was very well organized and really thought through all the oppositions. I will keep that in mind next time I have to give a persuasive speech; show knowledge on research and explain counter arguments. Answer the audiences questions before they are asked.

3. Tar-off: This group was very clear and concise on what their product was and what it did. I enjoyed their skit and their video on how it affects not only humans but animals. They really tugged at the emotion of the audience but kept it entertaining by using humor, especially with their tar-genie. What I will take away from this group is that sometimes you have to set the right mood with the audience and use different stats or videos to convey a message. Their product was tar-removal but by using videos of the animals and expressing their concerns it helped make the audience realize that this is a serious issue!  They stated a problem and offered a solution, and the fact that they had props was a big plus!

  • Speaking up a little more
  • Although I did not speak in monotone, I believe I can improve the tone of my voice throughout the presentation to sound more convincing
  • Be more clear on what we are presenting. We went over the rhetorical situation very well but we could of done a better job at explaining Ling's background story.
  • Better transitions between slides. I started alot of slides by saying "ok" and "so"
  • Saying Um, using filler words
  •  Looking at the screen. I had to read most of the statistics on missing kids and I could not memorize all the information. 
  • Looking at my group members when they are speaking, I should be looking at the audience and only look at them when we are talking to each other. 
  • "Winging-it", I know I shouldn't memorize my lines but it helps me be more confident and it is a way of learning the material. In this presentation I really had to improvise and just go with the flow. 
  • When I was going through a slide that I wasn't too familiar with, I spoke faster and tried to just get it over with. This made me look less confident 
  • I tried to speak a little slower this time but there is still room for improvement 
  • Using hand gestures to emphasize key points
  • Having good body language 
  • Having a good visual aid to help express idea
  • Using props like the shoes just to make the presentation more tangible 
  • Doing research on the topic, we looked up actual stats on missing kids and did research on Deckers shoes
  • Putting time aside to practice and getting comfortable with the topic and all the research
  • Making the presentation as realistic as possible
  • Dressing up or playing the part

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